
Community backlash pushes Calgary council on housing affordability

VCC discusses the need for affordable housing in Calgary with Global News

7 June 2023

After a community backlash, Calgary city council voted to accept an affordable housing plan. Now council faces the challenge of rebuilding trust and addressing the urgent housing crisis. Vibrant Communities Calgary told Global News it is pleased about the ultimate outcome.

“We are not nearing an affordable housing crisis, we are already in one. Most recent data shows that 81,240 households are in need of affordable housing in Calgary,” said VCC's Lizzie Rajchel. “We are pleased that council made the decision this afternoon to receive housing task force recommendations and actions and incorporate the changes into the Affordable Housing Strategy, and we encourage the city to continue to rise to the challenge of our urgent housing crisis.”

Read the full article: Community backlash pushes Calgary council on housing affordability

Affordable Housing Advocacy

In 2022, the Social Policy Collaborative, along with 17 community organizations, shared three policy recommendations in a public awareness campaign. This engagement on affordable housing shaped several government funding announcements in 2022 and early 2023.

