Employment income that is sufficient to cover the cost of living is vital to reducing poverty and building a resilient city and economy. Since 2008, Vibrant Communities Calgary has been updating the living wage figure for Calgary.
Liveable Incomes: Improving the Effectiveness of Alberta's AISH Program (2023) outlines feasible solutions to issues related to eligibility, adequacy, means testing and accountability. The recommendations seek to improve the quality of life for Albertans living on low incomes with disabilities, and ensure they have the necessary income to meet their basic needs.
VCC's policy specialist Lee Stevens co-authored a study saying that Canada is closer than ever to a workable guaranteed basic income (GBI). In fact, A guaranteed basic income for Canadians: off the table or within reach (2022) says the cost may be less burdensome than many would think.
Getting it right: A critical look at Alberta's income support program (2021) discusses the way eligibility is determined, the inadequacy of benefits, and the ways benefits are reduced when recipients earn income from employment.
The Income Support Policy Brief (2020) highlights opportunities to improve the effectiveness of Alberta’s Income and Employment Support programs.