
Calgary Poverty Profiles

Highlighting the experiences of poverty in Calgary's communities

17 October 2023

Calgary Poverty Profiles


What do you think of when you hear the word poverty? Do you picture unhoused people living in shelters or on the street, or tiny run-down apartments in neglected neighbourhoods, or people waiting in line at a food bank? Poverty has many faces and it exists in every community in Calgary, and often, it's hidden in the least likely places. That's why we started publishing Poverty Profiles.
The Poverty Profiles can be used a tool to stay informed of how poverty is affecting our community or to spark a discussion about solutions. Scroll down to see income statistics for the whole city, and then click on the map to view income inequality, food bank use, housing need and more in each each of Calgary’s 14 wards. Unclear about certain categories or definitions? The Supplemental Information below can help.
Not sure where to start? Visit the City of Calgary's website to find your councillor and ward.

Income inequality


Average annual total income in Calgary (9% are low income)


Average annual total income for racialized* populations in Calgary (10% are low income)


Average annual total income for recent immigrant populations in Calgary (15% are low income)


Average annual total income for those with Indigenous identity* in Calgary (16% are low income)


Average annual total income for those with activity limitations* (disability) in Calgary (12% are low income)

Income distribution

Those seeking help


Calgary Food Bank visits in 2022


basic needs requests made to 211 (2022)

Statistics by category

Supplemental information

Start at the beginning

Ward 1 is located in northwest/southwest Calgary and includes the following communities:
Bowness, Crestmont, Greenwood/Greenbriar, Haskayne, Rocky Ridge, Royal Oak , Royal Vista, Scenic Acres, Silver Springs, Tuscany, Varsity, Valley Ridge

Focus Areas


  • Vibrant Communities Calgary logo

    Vibrant Communities Calgary

  • Canadian Poverty Institute

    Canadian Poverty Institute

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