VCC works with local media to highlight poverty in Calgary and discuss evidence based solutions. News media are invited to contact us with inquiries.
VCC works to untangle the complexity of poverty and engage in a dialogue about solutions
VCC works with local media to highlight poverty in Calgary and discuss evidence based solutions. News media are invited to contact us with inquiries.
Get updates directly in your inbox on how poverty is changing in Calgary.
VCC's Meaghon Reid spoke about the wins and concerns surrounding the 2025 Alberta budget
Meaghon Reid spoke to the continued increase in basic necessities for Calgarians
VCC explores Calgary's food insecurity and looks at the financial future of 2025
Vibrant Communities Calgary (VCC), in collaboration with the Alberta Living Wage Network (ALWN), releases a new living wage for 2024.
VCC Weighs in on Transit Regulations, Housing Access, and Economic Challenges for Calgarians
Meaghon Reid emphasizes the urgency of addressing Calgary's affordability issue
Meaghon Reid commented on how the interest rate cut is hopeful but will take time to show an effect on those living in poverty.
VCC released a new report on social disorder in Calgary
Meaghon Reid spoke with Judy Aldous on Alberta at Noon about the increasing rent prices in Alberta
Meaghon Reid weighs in on the prices of everything going up and Calgary losing it's affordability advantage
Meaghon Reid spoke about the fact that many units have fallen into state of disrepair that makes them uninhabitable.
Meaghon Reid spoke about the cut to Calgary's Low-Income Transit Pass
VCC discusses minimum and living wages with CTV News Calgary
Meaghon Reid spoke with CBC why we may have seen a rise in gig based work in Alberta
VCC weighs in on the consequences for people living on lower incomes
Vibrant Communities Calgary says modest living wage would actually be $23.70 per hour
Meaghon Reid spoke with CBC News about the number of people at extreme risk of homelessness in Calgary
Lee Stevens discussed social safety nets and the unique challenges faced in Alberta.
Meaghon Reid discusses the rise in prices that were ushered in on January 1, 2024 in Calgary and Alberta.
VCC's Meaghon Reid discusses the Fair Entry program and how it may be helping Calgarians budget with increasing cost of living
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