Wide-angle photo of the Calgary skyline with evening light reflecting off the towers.

Enough for All Strategy

The work of the strategy may look complex and sometimes it is, but it’s our job to help untangle the complexity and work with others toward clarity, finding ways to shape how we all work together to end poverty in our city.


  • Vision

    We live in a community where there is enough for all.
  • Mission

    We will create opportunities to align and leverage the work of hundreds of organizations and thousands of Calgarians to reduce poverty in our city.
  • Principles

    Promoting shared leadership
    Engaging voices of people with lived experience in poverty
    Focusing on dignity of all
    Increasing multi-sectoral engagement
    Employing trauma-informed approaches
    Mobilizing awareness and empathy of inter-generational trauma
    Reducing racism and discrimination and promoting diversity in our practices
    Offering relevant, accessible and timely services and supports
    Implement the 94 calls to action of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission


The goals of Enough for All establish a clear line of sight to how we are approaching poverty reduction together. Our strategy is guided by the voices of lived experience.


Vibrant Communities Calgary strives to be as inclusive as possible with our materials. We have translated our vision, mission and principles into the following languages: