
The Enough for All strategy received a traditional Blackfoot name, iih kanii tai staiiwa (ee-skunit-des-si). It means everything is there.
In 2023, Vibrant Communities Calgary began the process of further understanding ceremony. Elder Clement Leather, Elder Wanda First Rider and the Enough for All Indigenous Advisory Committee guided us through this learning, which led to the momentous and significant experience of a naming ceremony in August 2023.
A name, in the Blackfoot tradition, serves a variety of purposes. It provides an identity and a deeper meaning to the work behind the community-owned strategy. It invites more Indigenous people to engage with Enough for All and feel a connection to the work. It is also another step on the path of Reconciliation for both VCC and all those that align with the strategy. Listening, seeking to understand and sharing what we have learned is our responsibility, and we are honoured and committed to speaking about the name in the oral tradition of Indigenous communities. The video below has reflections of the naming ceremony and highlights of celebrations and round dance that followed.

Commitments on the path to reconciliation

A previous learning with Elder Roy Bear Chief explained that on the path to reconciliation, there are commitments we all must make. He used the Blackfoot words Nisto (me), Kisto (you), and Kistoonon (us) to explain that some of the work happens individually and some of it collectively - like horses pulling a wagon. His teachings guided the VCC team to develop individual commitments and shared commitments as we work to co-create a future without poverty with Indigenous peoples.

Podcast: Everything We Need Is Here

In this episode of Let’s Talk Poverty, Elder Wanda First Rider speaks about Indigenous ways of knowing and being, the importance of ceremony and teachings, and her perspective on poverty and how everything we need is here.

Seeking guidance

Vibrant Communities Calgary receives guidance from Elders and Indigenous community members in a variety of ways. The Enough for All strategy relies on principles including shared leadership, dignity for all, mobilizing awareness and empathy of inter-generational trauma, reducing racism and discrimination, and implementing the 94 calls to action of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission.

Why is this work important?


Naming ceremony Iih kanii tai staiiwa (ee-skunit-des-si) means everything is there


Reconciliation, transformative change and honouring the learnings we’ve been given

Kistoonon (collectively) our commitment becomes more powerful

VCC's reconciliation commitments

Orange Shirt Day: Supporting and honouring the healing journeys of survivors and their families

Connecting to the land, to community, and to our learning journeys in Truth and Reconciliation


Women's Circle

Vibrant Communities Calgary convened five local Indigenous women to discuss what a future Calgary would look like where we have achieved goal 3 of the Enough for All Strategy and Indigenous People are co-creators of Calgary's future without poverty. The women represented different generations and experiences from nations across Canada.
Special thanks to Elder Mary Many Grey Horses, Joanne Pinnow, Christy Morgan, Theodora Warrior and Kymowyn Sugar.

Indigenous Knowledge Circle

Test your knowledge of the rich culture, history and language of Indigenous peoples and communities around Alberta
Indigenous culture festival near Calgary skyline

Where is Mohkinstsis?


The area in which Calgary is situated


Traditional Treaty 7 territory


Tsuut’ina Reservation

Reconciliation Journeys

Burns Memorial Fund Indigenous lens in program development

Momentum Moving Reconcilliation forward

The Women's Centre acknowledging mistakes on the path to reconciliation

Indigenous artist's mural at the Women's Centre

Champions supporting Indigenous People and Communities

Many Enough for All Champions offer pathways to healing for Indigenous people through support and advocacy. Highlighting their work is an important goal for Enough for All.

Highlighting issues of criminalization of Indigenous women

In 2023 we spoke to Katelyn Lucas the executive director of the Elizabeth Fry Society about systemic social issues which can contribute to the criminalization of Indigenous women and how their programs break the cycle of poverty and incarceration. Watch her interview below.

Key Topics