
Indigenous Gathering Place Timeline

Learn more about the steps taken to advance the development of an Indigenous gathering space within the City of Calgary

31 January 2022

The need and desire for an Indigenous Gathering Place has existed for decades. Through grass-roots initiatives of passionate like-minded peoples devoted to the cause, momentum and support has culminated to a vital stage of the process: land acquisition—a place to call home.


The Enough for All Indigenous Strategy is completed and one of the key recommendations is “The need for a Cultural Centre.” Chief Robert Joseph posed a question at the Reconciliation Canada workshop: “What does Calgary need to reconcile?”


The need for an Indigenous Gathering Place was identified in the White Goose Flying report and brought to Calgary City Council.


Formal Indigenous Gathering Place mission statement and governance model developed. Board members were elected and a traditional face painting ceremony was held. The Case for An Indigenous Gathering Place was developed and outlines three years’ worth of collaborative effort and community engagement, infused with traditional spiritual practices.


Tea dance ceremony that involved prayer, feasting, dancing, socializing, storytelling, and speeches. It was a significant ceremonial practice to prepare, bless, serve and honour our relations. The Indigenous Gathering Place becomes a nonprofit society.


In May, the City of Calgary and the Indigenous Gathering Place Society of Calgary participated in a Pipe ceremony to honour their shared commitment toward building an Indigenous Gathering Place within the City of Calgary.


Notice of Motion submitted to start talks and confirm a location for the Indigenous Gathering Place.

Sept. 2022

The City of Calgary proposes a new deadline of Q3 of 2023 for the conclusion of the land transfer process.



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