
2023 Report to Community

Research, advocacy and engagement drove a marathon year of advancing Enough for All

5 June 2024

A collage of coins, groceries and apartments

Affordability drove the conversation

With all its challenges, 2023 was a marathon year of advancing the Enough for All strategy. Vibrant Communities Calgary worked with partners to complete three community-based research projects and campaigns to educate and mobilize the community.
We deepened our connections with Champions and others in community by centering collaboration and elements of play. Through the guidance of Elders Clement Leather and Wanda First Rider we engaged in ceremony and grounded E4A in iih kanii tai staiiwa, everything is there.
Taking stock of all the incredible projects and initiatives is important—especially when we know that this year’s affordability issues, particularly in the area of housing, have impacted many. Join us in reviewing the collective progress we made towards Enough for All in 2023.  

In the face of extraordinary challenges, we have remained steadfast in our commitment to systemic change and our stewardship of Enough for All. In 2023, we have not only advanced advocacy and heightened awareness of key issues, but we have also embraced the principles of Iih kanii tai staiiwa in every aspect of our work. VCC has forged new and exciting collaborations with the business community, industry leaders, the social service sector, and, importantly, the voices of those with lived experience. We extend our sincere appreciation to The City of Calgary and the United Way of Calgary and Area for their unwavering support of this vital work. Together, we are making significant strides towards a future where everyone has enough.

Adam Legge, Chair, Board of Directors

A message from Meaghon Reid, Executive Director of Vibrant Communities Calgary

iih kanii tai staiiwa - Everything is there

We gather with community members and Champions in a variety of ways to exchange ideas and engage in learning. Together we're striving to connect in meaningful ways as we address different aspects of poverty and look for ways to create a city with enough for all."

Jaclyn Silbernagel, Associate Director, Community Engagement

Reporters with cameras interviewing a woman in front of a storefront

End Poverty Month: An opportunity to educate the community about affordability in Calgary


Examining the multifaceted layers of wellbeing in Calgary


Identifying Calgarians at extreme risk of homelessness


We want Calgary to be a city where poverty can’t exist, but we can’t get there if we don’t have rigorous, comparable, and accessible data to measure poverty. This is why we did the Beneath the Surface report in collaboration with 12 leading experts to explore nine domains of wellbeing. It’s a checkup for our city to help answer the question, how are we really doing?

Lee Stevens Policy & Research Specialist

Calgary's 2023 living wage is...









Sounding the alarm on childhood literacy


Collaborating for change


Study to improve the effectiveness of income support for people with disabilities


Our Champion network is growing, engaging and collaborating in new ways


Wide-angle photo of the Calgary skyline with evening light reflecting off the towers.

Poverty Profiles


The case for action on literacy


Calculating what it costs to live in Calgary


Getting the pulse on the city


Affordable housing advocacy


Deepening Champion relationships


Being comfortable with uncomfortable


Collaborating to influence public policy


In 2023, we tried new approaches to engaging with our community (have you checked us out on Tiktok?) and raising awareness of issues and solutions. Throughout the year, VCC released podcast episodes, 21 videos and 37 blogs; was interviewed by news media about 100 times; and had more than 156,000 hits to our website.

Ameera Shivji Communications and Engagement Specialist

Measuring what matters


Tax filing campaign


Downtown Calgary as viewed from an overpass on an overcast day.

Quality in the built environment


Learning about approaches to tacking homelessness


Enough for All Champions

View Champions

Board of Directors

Meet our board

Partners in Enough for All


Financial Statements



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    Vibrant Communities Calgary

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