What We Do

Vibrant Communities Calgary stewards the City of Calgary's poverty reduction strategy Enough for All. We advocate for changes that address poverty in our city by convening stakeholders to understand issues and solutions and examining research to form evidence-based positions. We also work to inform the development and implementation of public policy that improves the economic and social well-being of Albertans through the Social Policy Collaborative.
We do not provide direct programming or service delivery. If you or someone you know is in need of help, there is a tremendous resource at the fingertips of Calgarians with access to the internet or a phone. Information on agencies, programs and services can be found online at 211Alberta or by calling 211.

Focus Areas

To achieve its three primary goals, Enough for All includes 10 Levers of Change that represent specific areas of focus that must be addressed if we are to reduce poverty in Calgary. These Levers of Change surfaced during consultations with Calgarians and in research into other poverty reduction efforts across Canada. Each Lever of Change has also been aligned with the calls to action from the Truth and Reconciliation Commission.
Everyone engaged in the strategy’s implementation must consider how these Levers of Change may express themselves uniquely for Indigenous people, women, youth, seniors, newcomers and refugees, and LGBTQ2S people in our community. Our Enough for All Champions create a line of sight between action and impact and help improve the lives of Calgarians by working to reduce poverty in Calgary.
Calgary skyline under a blue sky, centered on the Bow Tower.

Enough for All Strategy

The work of the strategy may look complex and sometimes it is, but it’s our job to help untangle the complexity and work with others toward clarity, finding ways to shape how we all work together to end poverty in our city.


  • Meaghon Reid

    Executive Director

  • Jaclyn Silbernagel

    Director, Community Engagement

  • Alka Merlin

    Director, Communications

  • Tessa Penich

    Leader, Organizational Effectiveness and Executive Assistant

  • Noor Abdulbaki

    Community Engagement Coordinator

  • Cameron Heenan

    Policy Analyst

  • Lizzie Rajchel

    Communications Coordinator

  • Maya Simon

    Administrative Assistant

  • Hafsah Umer

    Lead Convener


  • Buddie Dixon

    Indigenous Engagement Facilitator

  • Lee Stevens

    Policy & Research Specialist

Board of Directors

  • Adam Legge

  • Sam Hayes

  • Col Cseke

  • Shairoze Damji

  • Kat Hedges

  • Nadine Meade

  • Deanna Tracey

  • Sepand Asefi

  • Melanie Nicholson

  • Doug Page

  • Karen Gosbee


Vibrant Communities Calgary has been working to advocate for long-term strategies that address the root causes of poverty in Calgary for many years. Momentum and United Way of Calgary and Area came together and jointly founded Vibrant Communities Calgary, one of several Vibrant Communities sites across the country.

Key Dates


VCC was launched as a new organization that could focus on poverty reduction coordination, advocacy, community awareness and providing a voice to people with lived experience in poverty.


The Enough for All Strategy was adopted by Calgary City Council and the United Way of Calgary and Area's Board of Directors.


Under a four year agreement between The City of Calgary, the United Way of Calgary & Area, Vibrant Communities Calgary, and Momentum, stewardship of the Enough for All strategy moved from the Calgary Poverty Reduction Initiative Secretariat within The City of Calgary to VCC.


A three-year agreement was signed by The City of Calgary, the United Way of Calgary and Area, Momentum, and VCC to mark the continued implementation of the strategy in partnership with the community and jointly supported and funded by The City of Calgary and United Way of Calgary and Area.


The Enough for All strategy received a traditional Blackfoot name, iih kanii tai staiiwa (ee-skunit-des-si), which means "everything is there".


Enough for All is generously supported by The City of Calgary and the United Way of Calgary and Area.
  • City of Calgary logo

    The City of Calgary

  • United Way Calgary and Area logo

    United Way of Calgary and Area