E4A Champions connect about the impact of loneliness and polarization
Explore events and activities that honour truth and reconciliation
A timeline of policy and government actions in Canada, Alberta, and Calgary
Justice system expert Dan Jones discusses human-centered approaches to justice and how they reduce crime
Today VCC launched three zines to get people talking about thriving communities
Navigating the current and charting the future with Community Hubs
Disrupting pathways into poverty with creativity, futures thinking, and play
Another step on the path of reconciliation for VCC and all those that align with E4A
A chat with AI-driven ChatGPT about poverty
Creating slack in people’s lives through economic and social mobility
Collective strengths, connection and collaboration were the focus of VCC’s champion gathering
Investing in business, people and community
Exploring what’s required to create transformative and sustainable change
How Indigenous Law brings healing, growth, and community connection
Creating a sense of belonging by providing support and removing barriers
Combining strengths in Alberta’s two largest cities
Exploring financial empowerment, skills development, and investment in local business
Over a decade of service and hopes for Calgary’s future
Tackling poverty through collaboration and community investment
How improving literacy levels can shift the needle on poverty reduction
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