
Creating Futures with Enough for All

Disrupting pathways into poverty with creativity, futures thinking, and play

30 November 2023

On Wednesday, the 2023 Annual Gathering brought together Enough for All Champions and those working towards the goals of Enough for All alongside Vibrant Communities Calgary staff and board members, to build Enough for All cities. Amidst the challenges of the past year, particularly the housing crisis and rising costs of living, we wanted to focus our attention and imagine a future with enough for all.  

Together we applied a futures thinking lens to collectively think through what social and environmental factors need to be in place to have thriving communities. Harnessing imagination, creativity, and play we envisioned futures free from poverty.  

Attendees were invited and challenged to design cities that resist isolation, defy inequality, and ensure care for all. The goal was to design communities anchored in the idea of Iih kanii tai staiiwa, everything is there. These prompts allowed us to identify systemic challenges, reimagine inclusive futures, and remember that connection to each other is at the centre of everything we do.  

Champions put on their city builder hats and created cities with enough for all. Ideas included things like accessible transit, walkable communities, housing for all, central access to food and other resources, and free education. It was wonderful to see the transformation as attendees developed a sense of belonging at their tables. However, this task was not without its challenges. Being asked to think differently is also difficult and current ideas about rules and regulations can impede even thinking about other possibilities. Working through these limitations together and discussing ideas allowed for multiple perspectives to be heard.  

Not only did attendees design future cities, but with creativity flowing they also took on the role of Enough for All Chambers of Commerce and Social Wellbeing and worked to attract people to their cities. From Belongavista to Kaleidoscope City to SoilCity, people were invited to enjoy cities that centered on belonging, delight, and care for all – environments where people could thrive, not just survive.  

Much gratitude to Elder Wanda First Rider who started us off in a good way and for connecting our heads, hearts, and hands. Champions of the Enough for All strategy are a critical part of advancing the Enough for All strategy. As VCC’s Board Chair Adam Legge, and Executive Director Meaghon Reid both highlighted – there is power in our collective advocacy, and we can change the future.  

Enough for All Champions and partners strengthen the implementation of the Enough for All strategy. VCC is continually inspired by the expertise and vision of others, and by staying solutions focused and working collaboratively we will continue to reduce poverty in our city. 

VCC is committed to strengthening relationships with Enough for All Champions and engaging with community through Kaleidoscope Spaces in 2024. We look forward to connecting with more people in more ways as we convene with radical purpose. The future is bright! 
