Everyone has a role to play.
Champions are organizations, big and small. They are non-profits working to house families and provide access to food. They are community-minded businesses paying a living wage. They are changemakers who collaborate and share their voices so people can thrive.
Breaking down silos and collaborating across different sectors is critical to a thriving community. E4A Champions are businesses, nonprofits, government, and community groups all working together to create solutions. Champions are on board with Enough for All’s principles and goals. They publicly communicate support for Enough for All and strive to model the principles in the strategy while deepening awareness about the impact of poverty in our city.
Addressing poverty requires a diverse set of perspectives and approaches. For example, businesses might have job creation and training expertise, while non-profits might have a deeper understanding of community needs and resources. By working together, we can leverage our strengths and create effective and sustainable solutions.