
Cerebral Palsy Alberta (CPAA)

  • Cerebral Palsy Alberta (CPAA) is a registered non-profit organization that supports individuals with all disabilities in the province of Alberta, Canada.
  • Their mission is to enrich and support the lives of children and adults in the disability community through their programs and services.
  • CPAA also collaborates with other organizations to promote awareness, acceptance and understanding for individuals with disabilities to live, learn and work in the community.


The Alberta Ability Network (AAN) is an initiative of CPAA.

  • AAN is a collaborative of more than 100 organizations, community advocates and individuals with lived experiences from across Alberta.
  • Their vision is Albertans with disabilities can fully participate in all aspects of life.
  • Their mission is to utilize the collective voice of the disability sector to address systemic barriers facing persons with disabilities by influencing decision-makers to positively impact policies and practices.

AAN accomplish this through working tables:

  • Accessible and Affordable Transportation
  • Human Rights
  • Newcomers with Disabilities
  • Inclusive Recreation
  • Affordability
  • Barrier-Free Alberta (BFA): a movement advocating for the GoA to enact accessibility legislation


Barrier-Free Alberta (BFA)

  • Barrier-Free Alberta is an exciting grassroots movement that emerged from the Alberta Ability Network’s Human Rights Table. They have one main purpose – to advocate for strong and effective accessibility legislation that will ensure every Albertan living with a disability has the opportunity to participate in all aspects of a complete and meaningful life.