
VCC and Poverty Talks! weigh in on high cost of food

On the International Day for the Eradication of Poverty community conversations were about food as one grocery retailer announces their prize freeze

17 October 2022

Poverty Talks! and Vibrant Communities Calgary had a chance to discuss rising food costs with CTV's Bill Macfarlane as part of a community conversation on the International Day for the Eradication of Poverty.

Poverty Talks!'s Amber Cannon explains, “it means constantly thinking about food, not being able to focus on anything else, not being able to be with your family because you're hungry and all you're thinking about is where you're going to get your next meal. You don't feel good about yourself because you're limited to what you're able to do, so you're not able explore yourself and your self esteem is lowered.”

VCC's Meaghon Reid discussed how the impacts of rising costs particularly impact those on fixed incomes. “Right now, in this economy, food is the first thing to go before rent, before heat and before transportation to work or school,” says Meaghon.

October is End Poverty Month

Here are the facts: about 1 in 10 people live in poverty in our city, but we know that there are even more who cannot meet their basic needs especially with the current cost of living crisis. Another thing we know is that many factors contribute to poverty, but there are just as many solutions.