
Using Your Voice to Shape Our Tomorrow

Collective efforts in community and advocacy work lead to impactful results

28 January 2025

A collection of colorful sticky notes with various handwritten messages, including goals and personal reminders, arranged in a pile on a white background.

In October 2024, Vibrant Communities Calgary (VCC) took over the Create Space at the Calgary Central Library to educate, inspire positive social change, and imagine a future free from poverty. Our mission for the next 90 days was to inspire visitors to dream of a city where there is enough for all, and to think of the steps we can take today to make that dream a reality. Here is what we learned:  

Calgarians think housing, employment, and food are key issues impacting our community  

We asked visitors to identify and vote for social issues most important to them, and the future of our community. This activity was designed to get audiences to think about how we address the challenges facing our community to improve the lives of people in our city. Overwhelmingly, people voted for housing, employment/income, and food as their priorities to create a more sustainable future. If you missed your chance to visit the Create Space, you can share your perspective on Calgary’s future through our Calgary Election priorities survey.  

Calgarians know how to create change in their communities  

We asked visitors how they can influence decisions in their community. People shared that civic engagement, such as voting, contacting politicians, attending community meetings, and sitting on local boards as ways they can influence change in their communities. They identified being involved in their communities through volunteering, mentoring, getting to know their neighbours, and learning from each other to achieve shared goals as a pathway to influence decisions. We also heard about the importance of staying informed, learning about your community, and speaking out against racism and injustice.  

Calgarians are committed to building a better future  

We asked visitors to share their ideas and commitments for building a better future for all. Speaking out against racism and injustice, championing affordable housing, creating jobs, enhancing public transit, helping folks experiencing homelessness, and advocating for a living wage were some of the widely shared commitments. We also heard that fighting climate change, promoting green spaces, and reducing waste to build a better future for our planet were important commitments made by Calgarians.  

And finally, we learned that… 

Calgarians believe in being kind and paying it forward 

We asked people to share an act of kindness they’ve done, received, or want to do in the future, and learned that Calgarians believe the smallest of actions can make a difference in someone’s life. We heard that holding doors open, donating essential items, or volunteering for a community clean-up are powerful ways to show care. People shared that volunteering, organizing, and building inclusive spaces are essential to belonging and collective advocacy. Acts of care, like helping with tasks, giving hugs, listening deeply, checking in, and celebrating moments of gratitude, were frequently mentioned as ways to strengthen relationships. Many people noted that kindness starts within, highlighting the importance of mental and emotional well-being.  

VCC is grateful to everyone who visited our Create Space installation and contributed to the engagement activities. If you missed us at the Central Library, fear not, you can still engage with us by: 

A special thank you to Calgary Public Library for allowing us to design an interactive storytelling experience at the Create Space to inspire dialogue and action in our community. 
