
Elders Teachings: Justice Sector Constellation

9 September 2016

Members of the Justice Sector Constellation recently had the pleasure of hearing Elder Clarence Wolfleg and Elder Skyes Powderface speak about the Aboriginal approach to justice.  The Elders shared that the approach takes place in the context of community, where everyone looks out for one another.  The focus is on the root cause behind the incident, not just the incident itself.  The first step is to foster communication among everyone involved or impacted, and the intended outcome is the restoration of peace and harmony within the community.  What a difference it could make in the lives of individuals and our community if our justice system functioned in this way!

The Justice Sector Constellation seeks to intervene at the intersection of poverty and the legal system.  The principles outlined by these Elders will help inform the Constellation in its work and the group was very grateful to have experienced this great learning opportunity.
