Quadrant: NW
Population: 94,840
Households: 32,545
Total contacts to 211* for basic needs: 353
- Ambleton
- Arbour Lake
- Citadel
- Evanston
- Glacier Ridge
- Hamptons
- Hawkwood
- Kincora
- Nolan Hill
- Ranchlands
- Sage Hill
- Sherwood
- Simons Valley Ranch
Average individual income
This ward: $61,577
Calgary: $64,600
Average (after tax) household income
This ward: $111,738
Calgary: $104,900
% of households with incomes <$30k
This ward: 5.3%
Calgary: 9.3%
Average employment income
This ward: $61,969
Calgary: $64,450
Gender wage gap (Total female employment income as a % of male)
This ward: 59%
Calgary: 58.8%
Differences in employment income between wards and the rest of the city
People receiving gov. transfers
This ward: 78%
Calgary: 79%
Average transfer amount
This ward: $9,325
Calgary: $6,005
Average wage (Average employment income / 37.5 hours per week)
This ward: $31.78
Calgary: $32.54
Unemployment Rate
This ward: 12%
Calgary: 12.5%
Full-time/part-time status
This ward: 46% part-time
Calgary: 47.5%
% persons earning <$30k
This ward: 37%
Calgary: 40%
Food Bank usage (# of clients)
Basic Needs calls
Housing affordability % of people who pay 30% or more for housing
This ward: 20.3%
Calgary: 34.4%
Average rents (average shelter cost of tenant households)
This ward: $1,640
Calgary: $1,404
Housing requiring major repairs
This ward: 3.2%
Calgary: 4.5%
Percent unsuitable
This ward: 4.5%
Calgary: 5.1%
Low-Income Transit pass and Fair Entry
% Taking Public Transit to Work
This ward: 5.9%
Calgary: 8.8%
Persons living alone
This ward: 5.9%
Calgary: 10.3%
Residents from this ward shared the following ideas to help eliminate poverty from their community in 2021: