At a glance

Quadrant: SW
Households: 37,520
Total contacts to 211* for basic needs: 415


  • Aspen Woods
  • Christie Park
  • Coach Hill
  • Cougar Ridge
  • Discovery Ridge
  • Glamorgan
  • Glenbrook
  • Glendale
  • Medicine Hill
  • Patterson
  • Signal Hill
  • Springbank Hill
  • Spruce Cliff
  • Strathcona Park
  • West Springs
  • Westgate
  • Wildwood

Low income demographics (percentage of people within the age group)


Ages 0-17


Ages 18-64


Ages 65+

Income inequality

Statistics by category


Residents from this ward shared the following ideas to help eliminate poverty from their community in 2021:

  • More community connection/neighbour connection programs to reach out to those who are isolated
  • Increase affordable housing opportunities
  • Increase supports for lone-parent families
  • Encourage large companies to offer better wages for their staff
  • Improve access to resources that use income as a benchmark for qualifying
  • Public education about poverty issues impacting local communities, which will help people to support one another more and promote understanding and awareness
  • More engagement with residents who are experiencing poverty, and include the community as part of the plan to address poverty
Simple map of Calgary's municipal wards

Next Ward

Ward 7 is located in northwest/east Calgary and includes the following communities:

Banff Trail, Capitol Hill, Chinatown, Crescent Heights, Downtown Commercial Core, Downtown East Village, Downtown West End, Eau Claire, Hillhurst, Hounsfield Heights/Briar Hill, Montgomery, Mount Pleasant, Parkdale, Point Mckay, Rosedale, St. Andrews Heights, Sunnyside, Tuxedo Park, University District, University Heights, University of Calgary, West Hillhurst

Poverty Profiles