Ignite creativity, connect with community, challenge the status quo, and come build a Zine. These workshops are about fostering creativity and self-expression. It’s also about creating a platform to talk about what enough for all means and how collectively we work towards enough for all futures. Join a session, make a new friend in the community, have some fun, and share your vision for the future of our city. 

Zine Workshops

Create your own Zine!

Unable to attend a workshop? Download our Zine template and make one (or more) Zines at home. We'd also love to see your creations, so be sure to submit them below. Want to get inspired? Check out our zines.

Zine creations will become part of a community mural that will be unveiled at a future event in October.

Submit a Zine

After you've finished your zine, take some photos and submit them for us to see! We're building a community mural made up of the zines created at our workshops and through digital submission. Stay tuned for how you'll be able to see your art displayed in October.