
Evaluation Report 2016

The year 2016 marks the second year of implementation of the Enough for All strategy (E4A) within a collective impact approach, and of Vibrant Communities Calgary (VCC) being the backbone organization to the strategy. This evaluation illustrates the abundance of poverty reduction efforts and activities, and the breadth and depth of poverty reduction work in Calgary. What truly makes E4A different is its collective impact approach: the alignment and leveraging of highly coordinated areas of differentiated work towards common goals. Currently there are clusters of highly coordinated work happening in Calgary, yet much of the work is disconnected. This result is not uncharacteristic in the early formation of a collective impact initiative and will require continued investment in relationships, continuous learning and strategic funding to further embed the E4A strategy within collective impact.

Published 29 May 2017

Updated 28 November 2024

Focus Areas



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    Vibrant Communities Calgary