
More Important Than Ever: Enough For All Evaluation Report

Every year Enough for All is evaluated by an independent third-party. The evaluation captures our community's progress towards achieving systems change priorities. The evaluation also provides direction to Vibrant Communities Calgary on its role in successfully advancing the Enough for All Strategy.

8 September 2022

A vector representation of an abacus with white, red, and black beads.

What does the evaluation tell us?

The evaluation captures our community's progress towards achieving the systems change priorities in the Enough for All Strategy. The evaluation also provides direction to Vibrant Communities Calgary on its role in successfully advancing the Enough for All Strategy.

How is the strategy evaluated?

The Enough for All 2021 evaluation was conducted by Dr. Katrina Milaney, Associate Professor in Community Rehabilitation & Disability Studies and Associate Scientific Director of Population Health for the O'Brien Institute for Public Health at the University of Calgary. Stakeholders participated in surveys, focus groups and interviews. A review of Champion research and annual reports were also undertaken. Indicators like employment rates, income support caseloads, program statistics were analyzed. In all, information from 43 people or organizations and 70 documents were reviewed.

A community-owned strategy

Enough for All is a community-owned strategy. In short, the strategy creates the ecosystem for poverty reduction initiatives to be locally relevant and grounded in best practices for poverty reduction. It also provides focus for collective action through a principles-focused lens grounded in social justice, equity, and Reconciliation.

Because of Enough for All there is collective commitment, strategic efforts and accountability measures to reduce poverty. Here are some of the community successes towards achieving Enough for All that were realized in 2021.

Community highlights


in tax refunds was acquired by people using free tax clinics


of people accessing Calgary’s Fair Entry program said it made their lives better


youth participated in City employment programs


RESPs were opened through Aspire partner agencies


people participated in programs to build social inclusion


people accessed Community Hubs


people purchased at least one low income transit pass, 92% said it saved them money


certified employers across Alberta have committed to paying workers a living wage

Vibrant Communities Calgary as the Steward of Enough for All

Vibrant Communities Calgary has been the steward (backbone) of the Enough for All Strategy since 2015. A strong backbone organization is essential to creating focus and leadership to systems change work. Enough for All Champions and stakeholders believed the achievements identified below would not exist with VCC specifically in this stewardship role.


The evaluation identified 10 recommendations for future priorities.

  1. Build VCC’s capacity as backbone to increase engagement and coordination with Champions.
  2. Work with Champions and stakeholders to examine existing data that aligns with Enough for All Levers and goals.
  3. Expand the capacity of the Indigenous Advisory Committee and VCC’s Indigenous Engagement Facilitator to leverage the growth in anti-racism and policy and system change work.
  4. Continue to partner with local and provincial groups to create a ‘provincial voice’ for poverty reduction.
  5. Expand awareness and reach by creating a ‘space’ for Champions to share their collective efforts.
  6. Seek additional funding to expand the VCC team to address capacity issues and to offer staffing resources and small project grant funding to Champions.
  7. Build government relations strategies and continue to prioritize policy and system change work.
  8. Launch a collective media campaign on poverty with a goal to build awareness about dignity.
  9. Continue to monitor the long-term effects of changes to funding, policy and COVID-19 on the sector and Calgarians, including school engagement.
  10. Conduct a cumulative evaluation of Enough for All and VCC that shows changes over time, progress towards previous recommendations and provide a strategic direction for poverty reduction beyond 2022.

Background and Context

The Enough for All Strategy was adopted unanimously by City Council and the United Way of Calgary and Area’s Board of Directors in 2013. In 2015, Vibrant Communities Calgary was appointed the steward of the strategy to act as a backbone organization to guide its implementation, but with the larger community as its collective ‘owner’. The Strategy’s vision is for Calgary to be ‘a community where there is enough for all’. The mission is to create opportunities to align and leverage the work of hundreds of organizations and thousands of Calgarians to reduce poverty. There are 10 Levers of Change that are documented ‘game-changers’ for poverty reduction that contribute to progress in three goals:

Key Partners

The City of Calgary, United Way of Calgary and Area and Momentum are formal partners with Vibrant Communities Calgary in the implementation of the strategy. The evaluation was guided by the Impact and Evaluation Advisory Committee which is made up of representatives from each of these organizations.

Calgary skyline under a blue sky, centered on the Bow Tower.

More important than ever

Read how Vibrant Communities Calgary is doing on its path to a Calgary where there is Enough for All.